Ubuntu Tweak | Actualización

El tweak gráfico de ubuntu por excelencia acaba de recibir una actualización implementando un par de programillas y diversas correcciones a algunos bugs principalmente relacionados con los entornos KDE y Xfce. Sin más les dejo una breve lista de los cambios (en inglés) y el archivo .deb para la instalación.

Instalar | Ubuntu Tweak

Overview changes:

  • Improve the Update Manager, the Select button has been removed
  • Make it possible to upgrade source in other locales, some languages may still not work because of broken translations.
  • Enable the Login Settings for Xfce desktop

Bugs Fixed:

  • LP: #572558 ubuntu tweak crashes on start up with Error: unsupported locale setting
  • LP: #572248 Ubuntu Tweak Crashes on Startup: KeyError: ‘desktop’
  • LP: #573091 Login Setting Crashed with no exits background pixbuf
  • LP: #571391 error loading Login Settings
  • Improve the Update Manager, the Select button has been removed
  • Make it possible to upgrade source in other locales, some languages may still not work because of broken translations.
  • Enable the Login Settings for Xfce desktop
  • LP: #572558 ubuntu tweak crashes on start up with Error: unsupported locale setting
  • LP: #572248 Ubuntu Tweak Crashes on Startup: KeyError: ‘desktop’
  • LP: #573091 Login Setting Crashed with no exits background pixbuf
  • LP: #571391 error loading Login Settings
  • Improve the Update Manager, the Select button has been removed
  • Make it possible to upgrade source in other locales, some languages may still not work because of broken translations.
  • Enable the Login Settings for Xfce desktop
  • LP: #572558 ubuntu tweak crashes on start up with Error: unsupported locale setting
  • LP: #572248 Ubuntu Tweak Crashes on Startup: KeyError: ‘desktop’
  • LP: #573091 Login Setting Crashed with no exits background pixbuf
  • LP: #571391 error loading Login Settings

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